Wednesday 11 June 2014


Lord knows it took me a while to get inspired to write a post for this week, as I was contemplating shutting down the blog, but I met someone who said she loves my blog and a late night conversation with a friend sparked my inspiration for this post.

My male friend believes girls want a broken guy, someone that is malleable and compliant, that can  be turned, twisted and changed till he suits the girl, but I disagree with him, I don't think any girl wants a guy that she has to change or teach the right things to do in a relationship. Being in a relationship is already stressful enough that I don't think any girl wants a boy that can't take charge.

For example, I was dating this guy that never called or put my picture on bbm, yes I like things like that, don't judge lool. I started talking about putting my picture up because he always had his ex-girlfriend's picture up all the time, so I knew it was not like I was trying to change him because it was something he always did before we started dating.

Speaking further with my friend, I understood what he was saying about a girl wanting to change a boy , it's probably in every female's nature, we are nurturing and mothering and my friend agreed boys don't necessarily push themselves. So a girl can make some changes to a boy's life to push him to his dreams or make life easier for him. Like when I was with Mr S, he was such a serious person, didn't like to do fun things if he thought something would make him look silly, he won't do it but I coaxed him into trying some new things while we were together, am sure people will see this as trying to change him. I probably was but evidently it was all done to make him have a happier life.

I agree girls might like to change boys but I don't agree girls want a broken guy naaa...maybe some girls whom I have never met or heard of. As much as nobody can be perfect, a girl still wants her own Mr Right and Perfect, at least you start dating someone because they have the qualities you want, so why change that? When in a relationship, everyone should and want to retain their individuality because that's what makes the relationship fun but your individualities should be compatible enough to become unified.

My friend also owns a blog, you can check it out at

So what do you think? Do you think we girls want a broken man so we cn change him completely?


  1. Cool write up... Keep it up....

  2. Don't close the blog please. I look forward to it every Wednesday.
