Tuesday 19 August 2014

Goodbye Mr K

 Hi Blogfam, am sad today. I broke up with a friend yesterday, yeah you read that right, yes a friend not boyfriend

I met Mr K through a mutual friend when I needed help with my school project, and we hit it off instantly. We were always on the phone, talking and laughing, I actually never thought about a relationship with Mr K, but as time went on, I developed a crush on him. Then one night we were talking as per usual and I mistakenly told him I had a crush but I told him I didn't want to talk about it.

Later this year when we were talking, I reminded him about that conversation and he says oh yeah it was easy for him not to talk about it because he didn't want make it any awkward because he doesn't like me that way and already knew immediately he met me. I was beyond shocked and sad but I played it off and told him the crush was already gone sef, but I knew I still really liked him. After this conversation, I started working on moving away from him, thankfully the project we were working on ended and we didn't have to talk as much.

Recently I moved away from my school and friends and I got back into the routine of talking to him, then we started working on a new project and the time spent on the phone started becoming longer and as much as I tried to get my head and heart on the same page, it was not working, I was getting more attracted to him.

So yesterday I decided to make a decision and take the high road, I decided to break up our friendship. Since I can't cut him off from my life because we work together, I told him to stop thinking of me as friend and just as a client, so that means no unnecessary phone calls, no calling to check on me and business at all times. As I was having this conversation with him, a tiny actually a large part of me kept hoping he would declare his love but sadly that didn't happen. That confirmed to me I made the right decision, I know it sounds petty and childish and probably is, but it's the only way I know how to protect myself and I need to.

We have not yet tested out our new working relationship since we had the conversation and it might not work, hopefully it does but I had to do something for my sanity. I really would have cut him out of my life if not for the project and that he's best at what he does. Fingers crossed we would be able to salvage the friendship later in life but as of right now the friendship is dead. Goodbye Mr K

Needed to rant... Thanks for reading lool. Be safe xoxo


  1. It's nice reading ur write up. Now for 'Mr. K' instead of 'breaking up' with him Y not keep relating with him but this time expect nothing, set a limit. Let him find that special thing about you.

  2. I definitely agree with Anonymous 22:51!
    Ann x

  3. Hello, stumbled on your blog and I must say I love your write-ups. However, I must say I disagree with the other comments on this post, I think you made a right decision by cutting him off. How long will you wait for 'that special thing to be found?' if he hasn't found it all this while, my sister, what is he still looking for? He said that he knew immediately he saw you that he would not like you 'like that', so why will he now change his mind? No need to build expectations on what ifs.. 'what if he changes his mind and likes me?' 'what if I'm more patient and he finally finds that special thing?' and many other excuses like that. I think he just sees you as a good friend and wants nothing more, if he did, trust me he would have made his move by now, men are wired to go after a woman they really want. On the side though, I can tell from your write-ups that you are a very strong person and I admire you. Keep the faith dear and prince charming will definitely find you. Sorry for the long epistle!

  4. Wow! Can't believe I have been this long away from your blog, I still remember when the talk about Mr K started. Whoa! This is a big step and I must commend you; At least, now that is one out of the numerous crushes you may have and I'm glad you are strong enough to cut it off.

    I await the story of Prince Charming! I'm sure he will find you soon.

  5. How do I say, Do I say Goodbye...
    I think uncle K is only trying not to take advantage of you... it would have been the easiest to just say what you want to hear even when he doesn't mean a word of it. Thank him for being caring enough to be real with you... he's as rare as me.
    I wonder if you know the number of people that crush on you and don't even get the chance to say it.
